April 4, 2022

How to Prepare Yourself For a Speaking Event During Ramadan

by Coach Kardan

Ramadan is here, and as millions of Muslims across the world are observing fasting for the coming few weeks, it is important to stay healthy and fit during this holy period.

Since most speaking events happen after sundown during Ramadan, how we prepare ourselves is crucial to think about, especially for leaders and business owners who need to make impactful speeches.

During Ramadan, some people may break the fast with rich foods with high calories. Some may also engage in less physical activity during this period, therefore it is important to pay special attention to nutrition to stay healthy and avoid unnecessary weight gain.

First of all, make sure to eat something before your speaking engagement. The best is around 2 hours before if you can. If you are nervous, you may not want to eat at all, but an empty stomach will make you feel dizzy, and a lack of energy will definitely show during your talk.

However, at the same time, you should not eat too much before speaking, since too much food may make you feel sleepy, fatigued and bloated.

WHAT to eat is also very important. Avoid foods high in sugars, oily meals, and spicy foods. Sugars will make you crash, depleting your energy, heavy fatty meals will slow you down, and spicy foods may make you uncomfortable. Instead, opt for lighter and healthier foods like salads, greens and whole grains.

Rehydrating your body is also extremely important. After sundown, drink lots of water, and make an effort to consume high water content foods such as soups, vegetables and fruits. This will help you prevent dry-mouth. Cucumber, lettuce, tomato and watermelon are examples of high water content foods. Avoid carbonated drinks before speaking. You don’t want any embarrassing situations!

HOW you consume food is also important. Eat slowly and chew well to avoid any heartburn and discomfort. Heartburn happens when you eat quickly and this can be a common problem during Ramadan, when you eat after all day of fasting. On a final note, avoid eating or drinking anything new, as you never know how your body might react to an unfamiliar ingredient.

Be active in the evening by engaging in activities like brisk walking. This will also help your body relax and energize you before speaking.

With that, I wish you all be blessed with the love and protection of Allah. May you have a happy Ramadan with some excellent speaking engagements.

For information on our public speaking training programs, please visit our website: https://stepupint.com

Feel free to contact our team if you have any questions and we are ready to serve you.

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About the Author

COACH KARDAN is an author, investor, entrepreneur, and business consultant. He has written two best-selling books and has been delivering educational seminars and training programs to more than 35,000 leaders and managers over the last 20 years. As an investor and entrepreneur, he is the CEO of three training companies in Japan, the UAE, and KSA. He is a management consultant and leadership trainer for government officials, leaders, and business executives.

In 2019, with the support of the UAE Federal Youth Authority, he served over 5,000 young Emiratis by conducting leadership workshops and training programs in several youth hubs around the country. With the help of the youth, he initiated the "Emirates Youth Leadership Certification Program." He is a certified trainer from the Leadership Academy in San Diego, California.

COACH KARDAN has served thousands of young and senior leaders, helping to improve their performance and increase the revenue of their organizations by more than 2,000% within 3-5 years. He has been an executive coach to Fortune 500 CEOs and their teams. He has lectured at several prestigious universities and institutions worldwide, influencing millions of people with his inspirational stories, business strategies, and life lessons.

Coach Kardan

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