March 21, 2022

4 Mistakes Business Owners Make at Speaking Engagements

by Coach Kardan

Business owners must have brilliant public speaking skills in order for their business to succeed. It is an essential skill no matter the size of the company and no matter what field they are in. Public speaking is a part of all business communications.

The ability to consistently speak with clarity, authenticity and persuasion is a huge advantage in meetings, presentations, networking events, interviews, and for sales.

However, there are several mistakes that business owners often make. These points can lose business and/or even damage your reputation.

  1.  They don’t have clarity of the outcome. Business owners may give a presentation concerning their business, their product or their future vision. Before the presentation, they need to be absolutely clear about the aim/goal/purpose of the presentation. What is the message for the audience? Furthermore, what is the desired outcome? Do they want investors? If so, how many and how much? Do they want to sell the product? If so, to whom and how much? If these goals are not clear, there is the danger that the speech will be wishy-washy and quite frankly a waste of time.
  1. Don’t have a structure. Having a solid structure in a presentation is absolutely crucial. Many business owners simply rely on slides during a presentation and cannot connect with the audience in front of them. Slides are great to give a visual, but should not be the driver of the presentation. The structure of a great presentation must have a solid beginning, content and ending. To be more specific, there is also the pre-beginning (before the presentation) and post-ending (after the presentation) to think about as well.
  2. Don’t know how to empower people. The best presentations are when the speaker is able to inspire and empower the listeners. No matter what kind of speaking engagement it is, whether you are introducing your business plan, selling your product, speaking about your business career, the audience will only retain the information if the speaker is able to connect with the audience in a deep and emotional way.
  3. They don’t have a team to support with documents. If you make a speech or presentation, but you don’t have documents (either physically or online) for your audience to later look back at), your presentation may just become a fleeting moment in time. It is essential that you provide your audience with some documents or a website with the information you presented, as well as your contact details so that they can engage with you again. Not only are the documents important, but an outstanding team is crucial. The team may be large or small – it might even only be one person working as an assistant for you. These members must all be clear about the business objectives and stand by you. 

Public Speaking is so important for business owners that one speech might make or break you!

To learn more about how to impress the audience with every single time you speak, Coach Kardan’s 1-to-1 speaking training is a way to make sure you never let an opportunity pass you by.

Visit our 1-to-1 website for more information and for any questions please contact our team anytime and we would be happy to serve you.

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About the Author

COACH KARDAN is an author, investor, entrepreneur, and business consultant. He has written two best-selling books and has been delivering educational seminars and training programs to more than 35,000 leaders and managers over the last 20 years. As an investor and entrepreneur, he is the CEO of three training companies in Japan, the UAE, and KSA. He is a management consultant and leadership trainer for government officials, leaders, and business executives.

In 2019, with the support of the UAE Federal Youth Authority, he served over 5,000 young Emiratis by conducting leadership workshops and training programs in several youth hubs around the country. With the help of the youth, he initiated the "Emirates Youth Leadership Certification Program." He is a certified trainer from the Leadership Academy in San Diego, California.

COACH KARDAN has served thousands of young and senior leaders, helping to improve their performance and increase the revenue of their organizations by more than 2,000% within 3-5 years. He has been an executive coach to Fortune 500 CEOs and their teams. He has lectured at several prestigious universities and institutions worldwide, influencing millions of people with his inspirational stories, business strategies, and life lessons.

Coach Kardan

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