Leadership is the ability to use talent, skills, and emotional intelligence to mobilize people for a common purpose. If you are the kind of leader that people want you to be, then that common purpose is to make a positive difference in people’s lives.
Some fundamental skills are required to be a great leader. It’s almost like a template of human skills that are needed for a great leader to possess. We can start with humility, empathy, resilience, self-awareness, self-reflection, the ability to create a team where people can question you and argue with your assumptions, and the ability to somehow communicate to people with stories that make them feel they are part of what you’re saying. And then, the most important thing is the willingness to take risks because the ambition for the greater good has become greater for you than the ambition for yourself.
Have you ever asked yourself the question; What kind of leader am I currently? Or what kind of leader do I aspire to become? This is one of the major areas of development at SAUDI YOUTH LEADERSHIP course that all of our mentors and experts are focusing on to support the young leaders to step up and become impeccable leaders for the future of their country and make our world a better place. The entry to this program is by sponsorship. The entry to this program is by sponsorship only.
Read the eligibility https://www.stepupintacademy.com/syl and apply for sponsorship. This is a lifetime opportunity if you want to add some powerful skills to your tool-belt of competencies.