Congratulations !

You SUCcessfully registered for 



Tuesday, August 9

from 10 AM-12 PM 

(Dubai time)

Turning on your webcam is mandatory

ATTENTION: Please store the link somewhere safe and mark the date in your calendar!

To achieve the best result from this session, please do the following before joining:

  • Arrange your time to join 5-10 minutes early to avoid any technical difficulties
  • Ideally join from your computer, not your phone
  • Be in a location with good Wi-Fi and no interruptions
  • Turn your webcam on and unmute yourself for Q&A
  • Keep a journal with you to take notes during the session
  • Please be aware that this session will be recorded for our internal training purposes only, and it will not be shared publicly. 
  • For the confidentiality and privacy of the attendees, please do not share any screenshots or videos of participants or the contents of the program during or after the session. All the contents are copyright material.

Level 41, Emirates Towers, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai.

P.O Box 31303

Mon-Sat: 10:00 - 18:00

+971 4 319 9063

+971 55 759 0380

© 2022 Step Up International Coach Kardan

All Rights Reserved

About Us

Leadership Programs

Level 41, Emirates Towers,

Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai.

P.O Box 31303

Mon-Sat: 10:00 - 18:00

+971 4 319 9063

+971 55 759 0380